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Here at The Olympus Projects, from the moment you walk in, you can expect to find everything you need to start your journey to a stronger, fitter and heroic version of you!

After intense classes that feel like they were designed by Chiron, trainer of mythical heroes like  Hercules, Jason and Achilles., you can replenish your soul and body in our luxurious, Greek themed showers, and refuel with nutrients from our Ambrosia Smoothies, served at our NECTAR Bar.

Our classes range from functional, combat based, to strength and recovery.
All unique to us and our adaptation of them to adhere to our ethos, which focuses on showing you how to ’Master Your Might’.
Also catering to your specific requirements, our 1-2-1 Personal training packages, will provide you with bespoke programmes to facilitate you hitting your personal goals.

Here at the Olympus project we pride ourselves in not just the training part, but the education. Expect to be coached on functional and effective movement, training techniques, nutrition, health and well-being.

Our charming rendition of Ancient Greece, our training philosophies, our instructors and aesthetically unique mix of harshness and luxury, will influence your mind, your body, the rest of your day, and your life.
We’ll motivate you to your full potential and unleash your inner hero or Deity!

The Olympus Projects Manchester
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